Welcome to an expanded edition of Left of Boom, Clinical Security Solution’s monthly newsletter.
Each month we share our experiences and perspectives to help nuance your understanding of issues surrounding workplace violence prevention and intervention with the goal of helping you make your workplaces safer for all. In this special issue, we’ll discuss our assessment of the threat landscape for the year ahead.
I wish to thank my good friend and colleague, James Sporleder from The Regulus Group https://regulusnw.com/ for his collaboration on this effort.
A Quick Note Regarding Scope and Sourcing
Typically, the focus of our newsletter is to provide actionable and digestible information regarding best practices in behavioral threat assessment and management for use by threat assessment teams in the prevention of incidents of workplace violence.
The scope, focus, and depth of this special edition will be much broader. Our goal is to highlight some of the current overarching political, social, economic, and legal factors that could serve as stressors within society and our respective workplaces during the coming year. We focus on these threat issues and areas of vulnerability and concern for organizations even if the highlighted issue (global instability for example) is beyond the scope of a threat management team. Nevertheless, we believe it’s important to highlight these issues since they may directly impact the organizations we advise as well as further contribute to the radicalization of individuals contemplating acts of targeted violence.
We’ve referenced select data points from multiple studies and surveys. (NOTE: If any of you would like more information on any specific point or cited survey, we’ll be happy to direct you to the source document.) Since our primary focus is a workplace violence prevention and behavioral threat assessment and management we’ll go into much more detail in those areas. For our commentary on geopolitical matters, we’ll avoid getting into great detail but will provide a brief overview of major potential threats.

For a deeper dive into these subjects, we recommend assessments published by Ian Bremmer’s Eurasia Group https://www.eurasiagroup.net/ and The Soufan Group https://www.soufangroup.com/. Both organizations provide excellent and detailed analysis of geopolitical and international counterterrorism matters that is well beyond the scope of this newsletter and our practice.